Waverly Disaster Relief Resources

Waverly Needs Our Help

During this time of immense tragedy and uncertainty for the people of Waverly and Humphreys County, many businesses, government organizations, Churches, and other groups have started collecting donations in the form of money, food, pet food, baby formula, diapers, clothing, household items, etc.

When giving to an organization, especially money, it is imperative that we know for certain that that organization is legitimate. Unfortunately, there are always going to be those who take advantage of the suffering of others in order to make a dollar.

This list of charities and businesses who take donations doesn’t list everything, but you can rest assured that making a donation to any one of the places mentioned will benefit the people of Humphreys County in the ways that they need the most.



We will update this list as time progresses, and new organizations come to our attention. If you can, donate something – whether it’s food, clothing, diapers, or anything. Many people have lost their homes and way of life. Let’s do our part to lift the people of Waverly and Humphreys County up and out of this horrible circumstance…